7's IE Website

Hi! smiley  Have a great day!!

Remember if you need help just email me!!  jessica-fox@shk.qsi.org

Welcome to Ms. Fox's IE Class for 7 year old students!  

On this page you will find great links to lots of fun and educational activities.  You can visit Moodle from this webpage and find links to complete your IE classroom's daily homework activities.  


cheeky smiley  You can do lots of fun learning activities on the internet! The following activities are just a few of the many websites to visit for Ms. Fox's class: (Use the websites below and on Moodle to complete suggested activities!) Try out this fun website to practice your spelling!!


  • Go to the Proper Nouns link below and complete the activities
  • Go to the Play and Read link below and complete this activity. 
  • Go to the Starfall and practice your reading and play some learning games!
  • Go to Matching Game and see how much you know!
  • Go to Toon University and read online!
  • Go to Raz Kids and read one book (at your level) each day - this is 5 books for the week!
  • Go to Dibels Activities link below and try new activities!


  • Go to the Wordblender Game link below to practice blends.
  • Go to the Contruct A Word game link and practice your spelling while making words.
  • Go to the Make Sentences link below and complete the activities.
  • Go to Dan's Story and help him edit his writing assignment.
  • Go to Spell with Leo and practice writing new spelling words.
  • Go to Comma Chameleon and help find the commas. 
  • Go to Pebble Go website below and find out about different animals and planets.


 Go to any website below or on Moodle and try a new activity!  Have fun!! cheeky

Here are the links for Reading:

Rhyming book - you can print and practice!

Rhyming book of animals - you can print and practice!

Rhyme with Reggie - so much fun to make rhymes.

Word Definition - this one is a challenge.

Letter Sounds - so many fun games to help learn letter sounds.

Listen and Read - can you find the correct words?

Play and Read - Who am I?

Raz Kids - you need to enter your password

Brain Pop - lots of fun reading activities!

Matching game - lots of fun activities on this site!

Proper Nouns - do you know your proper nouns?

Noun game - can you identify the noun?

Noun Explorer - can you find all the nouns in the sentence?

Adjective Adventure - go on a fun adventure to find the adjectives.

Pronoun Game - identify all the pronouns

Verb Game - identify the verbs

Verbs in Space - check out this cool game!

Poems with animation - 10 funny poems for your to read!

Starfall - letter sounds, practice reading and fun activities.

Toon University - funny books to read online.

Same letter, Different sound - can you read these?

Reading Comprehension - try these fun quiz games.

It's Fun to Read - all about me!

Read "Emily Elizabeth Goes to School"

Read "Clifford's Big Dig"

Read "Here's Clifford"

DIBELS activities - so many fun learning activities on this site


Here are the links for Writing:

Find the Capital Letters - take this fun quiz

Make Sentences - you will have fun making new sentences

Capital Letters Quiz - can you find all of the capital letters?

Wordblender game - do you know your blends

ABC order - can you write the words in ABC order?

Find the Capital Letters - can you do it

Make new words - fun activity to practice making new words on a magnetic board online!

Construct-A-Word game - combine letters to make words from your Spelling list or create new words!

Synonyms Game - can you find the synonyms (words that mean the same) and write them?

Second Grade Sight Words - can you spell all of these

Star Words - can you spell these mixed up words?

Word Scramble - can you find the sight words

Comma Chameleon - can you help the chameleon find all the commas?

Toon University Spelling - how well can you spell?

Spell with Leo - have fun spelling lots of words.

Graphic Organizers - so many to choose from

Clean up your Grammar - help clean up the grammar

Story Starters - write a creative story online!

Letter Writing - learn to write a letter

Zoo Letter - have fun writing a letter about the zoo.

Writing Prompts - use this fun site to get fun writing prompts

Elements of a story - identify the story elements.

Dan's Story - you can edit this page and help Dan!

Match the Homophones - this one is hard!

More things to do...

Opposites - fun game to learn opposites!

Pebblego - this is a really cool website with activies about animals, planets and writers! (user name:qss / password:school)

Seussville - a fun website from Dr. Seuss